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21 Academy

The Academy

Founded in 2018, 21 Academy is committed to providing high-quality education to students from all backgrounds and walks of life. We offer a range of awards, undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs in various fields of study, including business, education, law, human resources management, and more. To date all our study programmes have been locally designed and accredited in order to prepare our students for the specifics of the local and European markets. Our academic staff are professionals in their respective fields and are dedicated to providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers. They deliver the training on a part time basis while at the same time gathering more experience practicing their profession. This helps to keep the training deliverables continuously updated.

Our institution is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community, where students can learn from one another and engage in meaningful dialogue and debate. We promote this particularly among those students who only join us for our online courses.

During the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, the Academy was proactive and migrated its services online without any disruptions to the students’ academic progression. It also assisted its academic staff to migrate online and give them pedagogical and technological support. Since then, the organisation has also updated its license to be able to deliver online education. Today, mostly due to the market demand, the academy’s study population is mostly online while delivery of in-class education has been limited to courses attended by international students.


Empowering Students with Cutting-Edge Skills



To offer excellent academic courses that provide a quality learning experience and positive education experience to all students. We strive to foster an atmosphere of aspiration and determination to succeed in our students, which is at the soul of our vision. To achieve this, we are committed to providing top-quality teaching and learning facilities that enable our students to realize their full potential and become lifelong learners. We believe that by providing a supportive and engaging learning environment, we can help our students achieve their goals and become successful leaders in their chosen fields.

Accredited Diplomas

Scroll further down to see all our courses grouped according to sector. 
Click on the course's image for further information about each course 
as well as to ask for a course prospectus.

Accredited Certificates

Accredited Short Courses

Short Courses

Courses by Sectors

Upcoming 90-minutes webinar

Upcoming Free Webinars

Time Table – Courses and Workshops

The Academy’s time table is updated regularly with new courses and workshops. Please return regularly to keep informed or subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates.



The aim of the 2 scholarships launched by 21 Academy on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021 is to provide the necessary tools to females in employment seeking to enhance their career or wishing to return to work.



Meet our tutors, professionals in their respective field of expertise. They are the face and heart of the Academy, and they are committed to help all the students achieve their highest potentials


On Demand

21 Academy offers an array of free and pay per view webinars which are mostly Human Resource Management oriented or which train prospective employees on how to get noticed through their CV and their employment rights.



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    When you subscribe to our newsletter we understand that you have agreed to share your contact details with us which will only be used by us and our companies in the group to send you a monthly newsletter which serves to keep you updated with developments in our fields of business and our events such as workshops, seminars and conferences. Your contact details are safely stored at our email platform provider who is GDPR compliant.