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21 Academy – Time Table

Time Table

25 February 2025CoursePrinciples of Commercial LawMQF Level 54 weeks
26 February 2025WebinarMastering Disciplinary Procedures: Key Considerations1 - Morning
26 February 2025CoursePrinciples of Competition LawMQF Level 54 weeks
20 March 2025CourseAward in Banking and Finance LawMQF Level 57 weeks
25 March 2025CourseAward in Constitutional LawMQF Level 510 - weeks
26 March 2025WebinarThe Employment Contract: Key Considerations1 - Morning
27 March 2025CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads3 weeks
2 April 2025CourseAward in Information and Communication Technology LawMQF Level 57 weeks
30 April 2025CourseAward in First Aid at the WorkplaceMQF Level 56 - weeks
13 May 2025CourseThe Basics of Accounting for Lawyers4 x 2-hour sessions
Past Events
7 January 2025CourseAward in European Union LawMQF Level 57 weeks
8 January 2025CourseAward in Legal Research and Interpretation MethodologyMQF Level 57 weeks
14 January 2025WebinarPayroll 20251 - Morning
16 January 2025CourseAward in Employment and Industrial Relations LawMQF Level 54 weeks
11 February 2025CourseAward in Customer CentricityMQF Level 56 weeks
13 February 2025CourseAward in Gaming LawMQF Level 55 weeks
8 January 2024CourseAward in European Union LawLevel 5 7 - Evenings
9 January 2024CourseAward in Overview of Tax LawLevel 55 - Evenings
10 January 2024WebinarPayroll 20241 - Morning
11 January 2024CourseAward in Legal Research and Interpretation MethodologyLevel 57 - Evenings
24 January 2024CourseAward in Employment and Industrial Relations LawLevel 54 - Evenings
31 January 2024WebinarAI for HR: Embracing AI for the enhancement of productivity1 - Morning
21 February 2024CourseAward in Gaming LawLevel 55 - Evenings
26 February 2024CourseAward in Principles of Commercial LawLevel 54 - Evenings
28 February 2024WebinarHR Best Practices: The Art of Creative Leadership1 - Morning
29 February 2024CoursePrinciples of Competition LawLevel 54 - Evenings
20 March 2024WebinarFAQs in Employment1 - Morning
8 April 2024CourseAward in Constitutional LawLevel 5 10 - Evenings
11 April 2024CourseAward in Information and Communication Technology LawLevel 57 - Evenings
16 April 2024CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
5 - Evenings
17 April 2024CourseAward in Banking and Finance LawLevel 5 7 - Evenings
23 April 2024CourseThe Basics of Accounting for Lawyers4 - Evenings
24 April 2024WebinarEmployment Case Studies 20241 - Morning
29 May 2024WebinarFAQs in Payroll1 - Morning
25 September 2024WebinarOverview of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA)1 - Morning
26 June 2024WebinarHR Best Practices: Communicating Effectively1 - Morning
1 October 2024CourseDiploma in Law (Malta)MQF Level 518 months
1 October 2024CourseUndergraduate Certificate in Notarial Law Fundamentals for Office AssistantsMQF Level 59 months
1 October 2024CourseUndergraduate Diploma in Digital MarketingMQF Level 518 months
1 October 2024CourseAward in the Maltese Legal SystemMQF Level 53 weeks
1 October 2024CourseAward in Office Management and Administration FundamentalsMQF Level 510 weeks
2 October 2024CourseUndergraduate Diploma in Occupational Health & SafetyMQF Level 518 months
3 October 2024CourseAward in Principles of Civil LawMQF Level 513 weeks
7 October 2024CourseAward in Maltese Education Law and Data Privacy Implications in the Education SectorMQF Level 57 weeks
14 October 2024CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsMQF Level 510 weeks
16 October 2024CourseAward in Criminal LawMQF Level 57 weeks
22 October 2024CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsMQF Level 57 weeks
23 October 2024WebinarHR Best Practices: Enabling a Learning Organisation1 - Morning
29 October 2024CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads3 weeks
30 October 2024CourseAward in Anti Money Laundering & Funding of TerrorismMQF Level 610 weeks
30 October 2024CourseAward in Middle Leaders and the Leadership of Educational InstitutionsMQF Level 55 weeks
20 November 2024WebinarHR Trends 20251 - Morning
25 November 2024CourseAward in Overview of Tax LawMQF Level 55 weeks
28 November 2024CourseWarrant Prep Course6 weeks
4 December 2024CourseAward in Administrative LawMQF Level 53 weeks
5 December 2025WebinarThe New Health and Safety Framework: What Every Employer Needs to Know1 - Morning
11 January 2023WebinarPayroll 20231 - Morning
17 January 2023CourseAward in European Union LawLevel 57 - Evenings
18 January 2023CourseAward in Legal Research and Interpretation MethodologyLevel 57 - Evenings
23 January 2023CourseAward in Employment and Industrial Relations LawLevel 54 - Evenings
15 February 2023WebinarThe Employment Contract1 - Morning
20 February 2023CourseAward in Gaming LawLevel 55 - Evenings
21 February 2023FREE WebinarChoosing the right First Aid Course for your Employees60 minutes - Morning
28 February 2023CourseAward in Leadership Styles and Middle Leadership for EducatorsLevel 55 - Afternoons
1 March 2023CourseAward in Middle Leaders and the Leadership of Educational InstitutionsLevel 57 - Afternoons
3 March 2023WebinarLeading Change1 - Morning
7 March 2023CoursePrinciples of Commercial LawLevel 54 - Evenings
8 March 2023CoursePrinciples of Competition LawLevel 54 - Evenings
27 March 2023CourseAward in Banking and Finance LawLevel 55 - Evenings
29 March 2023WebinarEmployees Monitoring & Subject Access Requests1 - Morning
18 April 2023CourseThe Basics of Accounting for Lawyers4 - Evening
18 April 2023CourseAward in Constitutional LawLevel 510 - Evenings
19 April 2023CourseAward in Information and Communication Technology LawLevel 57 - Evenings
26 April 2023Webinar5 years of GDPR for HR - what have we learned?1 - Morning
31 May 2023WebinarHR Best Practices: Performance Management1 - Morning
21 June 2023WebinarEmployment Case Studies1 - Morning
27 September 2023WebinarHR Best Practices: Building the Team1 - Morning
2 October 2023CourseDiploma in Law (Malta)Level 518 months
2 October 2023CourseAward in the Maltese Legal SystemLevel 55 - Evenings
3 October 2023CourseAward in Principles of Civil LawLevel 513 - Evenings
4 October 2023CourseAward in Maltese Education Law and Data Privacy Implications in the Education SectorLevel 57 - Evenings
16 October 2023CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
17 October 2023CourseAward in Introduction to Business LawLevel 510 - Evenings
18 October 2023CourseAward in Office Management and Administration FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
19 October 2023CourseAward in Criminal LawLevel 57 - Evenings
19 October 2023CourseTraining the Trainer AwardLevel 510 - Evenings
19 October 2023CourseAward in Occupational PsychologyLevel 512 - Evenings
23 October 2023CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsLevel 5 7 - Evenings
24 October 2023CourseAward in Middle Leaders and the Leadership of Educational InstitutionsLevel 5 7 - Afternoons
24 October 2023CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
25 October 2023CourseAward in Leadership Styles and Middle Leadership for EducatorsLevel 5 5 - Afternoons
01 November 2023WebinarEmployment Law Audit1 - Morning
1 November 2023CourseAward in Anti Money Laundering & Funding of TerrorismLevel 610 - Mornings
15 November 2023FREE WebinarDigital Skills Needed to Identify Disinformation1 - Morning
29 November 2023WebinarHR Trends 2024: From Troy to Ithaca – An HR Odyssey1 - Morning
7 December 2023CourseAward in Administrative LawLevel 55 - Evenings
12 January 2022WebinarPayroll 20221 - Morning
13 January 2022CourseAward in European Union LawLevel 57 - Evenings
24 January 2022CourseWarrant Prep Course8 - Evenings
2 February 2022WebinarConducting Effective Workpl​ace Investigations1 - Morning
3 February 2022CourseAward in Legal Research and Interpretation MethodologyLevel 57 - Evenings
21 February 2022CourseAward in Introduction to Business LawLevel 510 - Evenings
22 February 2022CourseAward in Office ErgonomicsLevel 510 - Evenings
23 February 2022CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
23 February 2022WebinarOverview of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act1 - Morning
24 February 2022CourseAward in the Biology of People at the WorkplaceLevel 510 - Evenings
1 March 2022CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
5 - Evenings
2 March 2022WebinarThe Impact of Cannabis use liberalisation on the Workplace1 - Morning
7 March 2022CourseAward in Principles of Commercial LawLevel 54 - Evenings
16 March 2022WebinarUnderstanding the Implications of the new Whistleblowing Act1 - Morning
21 March 2022CourseAward in Principles of Competition LawLevel 54 - Evenings
23 March 2022WebinarHandling Recruitment and Selection1 - Morning
7 April 2022CourseAward in Constitutional LawLevel 57 - Evenings
25 April 2022CourseAward in Information and Communication Technology LawLevel 57 - Evenings
27 April 2022WebinarPerformance and Setting a Performance Culture1 - Morning
27 April 2022Short CourseThe Basics of Accounting for Lawyers4 - Evenings
18 May 2022WebinarThe Working of the Industrial Tribunal1 - Morning
8 June 2022FREE WebinarThe Behaviour of People at Work60 minutes - morning
8 June 2022FREE WebinarThe Behaviour of People at Work60 minutes - morning
22 June 2022WebinarAn Effective Employee Handbook1 - Morning
22 June 2022WebinarAn Effective Employee Handbook1 - Morning
20 July 2022WebinarNew Laws Impacting HR and Payroll60 minute - morning
28 September 2022WebinarMental Wellbeing at the Workplace1 - Morning
4 October 2022CourseDiploma in Law (Malta)Level 518 months part-time
4 October 2022CourseAward in the Maltese Legal SystemLevel 55 - Evenings
10 October 2022CourseAward in The Behaviour of People at WorkLevel 510 - Evenings
11 October 2022CourseAward in Office ErgonomicsLevel 510 - Evenings
12 October 2022CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
13 October 2022CourseAward in Occupational PsychologyLevel 512 - Evenings
13 October 2022CourseAward in Office Management and Administration FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
18 October 2022CourseAward in Leadership Styles and Middle Leadership for EducatorsLevel 55 - Afternoons
19 October 2022WebinarRemote Managing your Employees – the legal implications1 - Morning
19 October 2022CourseAward in Criminal LawLevel 57 - Evenings
19 October 2022CourseAward in Middle Leaders and the Leadership of Educational InstitutionsLevel 57 - Afternoons
25 October 2022CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
25 October 2022CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsLevel 57 - Evenings
2 November 2022CourseAward in Anti Money Laundering & Funding of TerrorismLevel 610 - Mornings
3 November 2022WebinarNew Regulations Impacting HR – Webinar60 minutes
17 November 2022CourseAward in Maltese Education Law and Data Privacy Implications in the Education SectorLevel 57 - Evenings
28 November 2022CourseWarrant Prep Course9 - Evenings
30 November 2022WebinarHR Trends 20231 - Morning
7 December 2022CourseAward in Administrative LawLevel 54 - Evenings
15 December 2022CourseAward in Overview of Tax LawLevel 55 - Evenings
13th January 2021WorkshopPayroll 20211 - Morning
26th January 2021FREE WebinarUnderstanding Education and Training Qualifications1 - Morning
27th January 2021WorkshopHR Trends 20211 - Morning
18th February 2021FREE WebinarErgonomics at the Workstation1 - Morning
22nd February 2021CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
23rd February 2021CourseAward in Occupational PsychologyLevel 512 - Evenings
24th February 2021WorkshopManaging Sickness & COVID-19 Absence1 - Morning
5th March 2021LIVE BROADCASTWomen: Evolutionary & Legal Aspects1 - Evening
9th March 2021CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
5 - Evenings
15th March 2021Free WebinarStaying Healthy at the Workplace1 - Morning
24th March 2021WorkshopConducting Disciplinary1 - Morning
20th April 2021CourseDirectors Law and Compliance Certificate2 - Evenings
26th April 2021CourseAward in Introduction to Business Law – The Maltese Legal ContextLevel 510 - Evenings
28th April 2021Webinar/WorkshopNew Laws Impacting HR1 - Morning
29th April 2021Free WebinarHow to Optimise Your Space to Offer Employees Wellness1 - Morning
19th May 2021Webinar/WorkshopEmployment Case Studies – Putting the Law into Practice1 - Morning
25th May 2021ConferenceGDPR - 3 years on1 - Morning
27th May 2021Free WebinarIdentifying and Handling Substance Abuse at the Workplace1 - Morning
1st June 2021Webinar/WorkshopNew EU Employment Laws1 - Morning
14th June 2021CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
16th June 2021Webinar/WorkshopDisability Law – New Changes and an Overview1 - Morning
17th June 2021Free WebinarUsing WhatsApp for Work – The implications1 - Morning
23rd June 2021Webinar/WorkshopPerformance Management1 - Morning
7 July 2021Free WebinarGreylisting and Human Resources1 - Morning
7 July 2021Free WebinarGreylisting and Human Resources1 - Morning
14 September 2021FREE WebinarEmployees’ Training – What’s On?1 - Morning
15 September 2021FREE WebinarUnlocking Your Potential1 - Evening
23 September 2021FREE WebinarHR Good Practices1 - Morning
29 September 2021Workshop/WebinarCriminal Law for HR – What you need to know1 - Morning
4 October 2021DiplomaDiploma in Law (Malta)Level 518 months part-time
13 October 2021FREE WebinarBudget 2022 – HR Implications & moreLevel 51 - Morning
21 October 2021CourseAward in Criminal LawLevel 57 - Evenings
25 October 2021CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsLevel 57 - Evenings
25 October 2021CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
26 October 2021CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
5 - Evenings
26 October 2021CourseDirectors Law and Compliance Certificate2 - Evenings
27 October 2021Workshop/WebinarWorkforce Monitoring and Privacy1 - Morning
2 November 2021CourseAward in Occupational PsychologyLevel 512 - Evenings
10 November 2021FREE WebinarTop Tips for the Trainer1 - Morning
11 November 2021CourseAward in Anti Money Laundering & Funding of TerrorismLevel 610 - Mornings
24 November 2021Workshop/WebinarChallenges for Female and Male Employees: are they different?1 - Morning
9 December 2021CourseAward in Administrative LawLevel 54 - Evenings
Past Events
15th January 2020WorkshopPayroll 20201 - Morning
16th January 2020WorkshopPayroll 20201 - Morning
29th January 2020WorkshopFrequently Asked Questions in Employment1 - Morning
31st January 2020WorkshopRestructuring & Downsizing Your Workforce - The Legal Implications1 - Morning
19th February 2020WorkshopEmployee Handbook – Practical Considerations1 - Morning
25th February 2020CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
26th FebruaryWorkshopEmail Use Policy – A must have1 - Morning
4th March 2020CourseCompany Secretary - Law & Compliance Certificate2 - Evenings
9th MarchWorkshopCovid 19: What HR need to know1 - Morning
9th MarchWorkshopCovid 19: What HR need to know1 - Morning
16th MarchFREE WebinarCOVID-19 HR Update Webinar1 - Afternoon
20th March 2020FREE WebinarCOVID-19 Understanding Government’s Incentive Package1- Morning
20th March 2020FREE WebinarCOVID-19 Understanding Government’s Incentive Package1- Afternoon
24th March 2020WebinarAppointing Your Employee Rep/s Webinar1 - Morning
26th March 2020WebinarAvoiding Redundancies and Making Lawful Redundancies Webinar1 - Morning
26th March 2020WebinarAvoiding Redundancies and Making Lawful Redundancies Webinar1 - Morning
15th April 2020WebinarCOVID-19: Payroll Implications1 - Morning
22nd April 2020WebinarRemote Managing Your Employees: The Psychological & Legal Aspects1 - Morning
22nd April 2020WebinarRemote Managing Your Employees: The Psychological & Legal Aspects1 - Morning
6th May 2020WebinarCOVID-19 and Employment Law for Accountants and Finance Professionals1 - Morning
8th May 2020FREE WebinarPerfecting your CV – get noticed! Webinar1 - Morning
15th May 2020FREE WebinarReturning to work: Know Your Employment Rights1 - Morning
20th May 2020FREE WebinarThe New Normal – Minimizing Risk at the Workplace1 - Morning
26th May 2020Online CourseCOVID-19 Infection Prevention and Legal Implications Course2 - Mornings
27th May 2020Online CourseDirectors Law and Compliance Certificate2 - Evenings
28th May 2020WebinarOverview of the Employment & Industrial Relations Act1 - Morning
12th June 2020Online CourseCOVID-19 Infection Prevention and Legal Implications2 - Mornings
16th June 2020Online CourseCompany Recovery and Company LiquidationCPE Accredited3 - Evenings
24th June 2020Online ConferenceGDPR - 2 years on1 - Morning
1st July 2020WebinarA Step-by-Step Guide to the Industrial Tribunal1 - Afternoon
8th July 2020WebinarHR Management & Training Assistance Schemes Webinar1 - Morning
26th August 2020WorkshopUpdated COVID WORKPLACE FAQ’s1 - Morning
9th September 2020WebinarCourses, Workshops & Training1 - Morning
23rd September 2020WebinarEmployment Case Studies – Identifying causes and solutions1 - Morning
29th September 2020WebinarUK Employment Law1 - Morning
13th October 2020CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Morning
21st October 2020WebinarThe Employment Contract: Drafting Woes1 - Morning
26th October 2020CourseAward In Company Law Fundamentals – The Maltese Legal SystemLevel 710 - Evenings
26th October 2020CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
26th October 2020CourseAward in Payroll FundamentalsLevel 510 - Evenings
27th October 2020CourseAward in Anti Money Laundering & Funding of TerrorismLevel 610 - Evenings
24th November 2020CourseWarrant Prep Course8 - Evenings
25th November 2020WebinarIntroduction to Health & Safety1 - Morning
10th December 2020WorkshopCOVID-19 & Employment – what we’ve learnt1 - Morning
10th December 2020WorkshopCOVID-19 & Employment – what we’ve learnt1 - Morning
8th January, 2019CourseGDPR for Gozo Local Councils2 - Mornings
17th January, 2019FULLY BOOKEDGDPR for Local Councils2 - Mornings
22nd January, 2019FULLY BOOKEDGDPR for Local Councils - 2nd intake2 - Mornings
30th January, 2019FULLY BOOKEDOverview of the EIRA & update on the latest Legal Notices1 - Morning
7th February, 2019FULLY BOOKEDOverview of the EIRA & update on the latest Legal Notices1 - Morning
8th FebruaryCourseGDPR for Local Councils 3rd Intake2 - Mornings
13th February, 2019FULLY BOOKEDOverview of the EIRA & update on the latest Legal Notices1 - Morning
21st February, 2019CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
27th February, 2019WorkshopWorkplace Surveillance and Subject Access Requests1 - Morning
27th February, 2019CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsMQF Level 710 - Evenings
27th March, 2019WorkshopConducting an Employment Law Audit1 - Morning
24th April 2019WorkshopManaging Sickness Absence1 - Morning
29th May 2019WorkshopDiversity and Inclusion1 - Morning
5th June 2019ConferenceGDPR - One Year On1- Morning
26th June 2019WorkshopWorkplace Bullying and Harassment 1 - Morning
3rd July 2019WorkshopGetting to Grips: New EU Employment Laws1 - Morning
17th July 2019WorkshopGetting to Grips: New EU Employment Laws1 - Morning
25th September 2019WorkshopPayroll Basics1 - Morning
2nd October 2019CourseAward in Company Law FundamentalsMQF Level 710 - Evenings
14th October 2019CourseTools & Skills Course 4 Youths20 - Evenings
15th October 2019CourseCourse for Data Protection Officers/Leads5 - Mornings
16th October 2019WorkshopGDPR for IT Professionals1 - Morning
23rd October 2019WorkshopSchemes to help your Business1 - Morning
30th October 2019Workshop2020 HR Trends - Looking Ahead1 - Morning
5th November 2019WorkshopPayroll Basics (repeat)1 - Morning
6th November 2019WorkshopGDPR for Marketers1 - Morning
13th November 2019WorkshopEmployment Benefits: A Win-Win Solution1 - Morning
20th November 2019WorkshopGDPR for Accountants – an Update1 - Morning
25th November 2019CourseWarrant Prep Course6 - Evenings
27th November 2019WorkshopGDPR for Local Councils – an Update1 - Morning
4th December 2019WorkshopEU VAT Reform: 2020 Quick Fixes and beyond1 - Morning
21 academy for AD21 website


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