The European Commission initiated what has been described as the biggest reform of EU VAT rules. As a first step, four measures (‘Quick Fixes’) concerning call-off stock arrangements, chain transactions and the exemption on intra-community supplies shall come into force on 1st January 2020. Are you ready for the upcoming changes? Register now!
Who should attend?
Accountants, corporate lawyers, company secretaries and business owners who are involved in cross border trade of goods within the EU.
The current transitional VAT system has been unable to keep pace with the challenges of today’s trade situation, leading to several shortcomings including room for VAT fraud. In an effort to combat these issues and introduce a ‘more modern, robust and simpler’ definitive VAT regime, the European Commission initiated what has been described as the biggest reform of EU VAT rules. As a first step, four measures (‘Quick Fixes’) aimed at harmonizing and simplifying the current rules on cross-border trade shall come into force in all Member States on 1st January 2020. These concern call-off stock arrangements, chain transactions and the application of the VAT exemption on intra-community supplies.
This workshop shall delve into the provisions of the Quick Fixes and their impact on businesses and current practices. It shall also provide an overview of the European Commission’s VAT reform plans that have been proposed and/or approved at EU level.