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GDPR for IT Professionals

Detailed Information

Date:Wednesday, 16th October 2019
Time:09:00 till 13:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Roselyn Borg
Mr Angelito Sciberras
Price:€65 + VAT
Booking Form

Following the success of the workshops organised by 21 Academy, in collaboration with 21 Law and Advisory 21, targeting Human Resources Professionals and Marketers in the context of GDPR, 21 Academy has designed and will be delivering a workshop for IT Professionals.

The main learning objectives include the following:

  • Broad understanding of the GDPR
  • Understanding the new requirements brought by the GDPR and how to implement such requirements.
  • Implications of the GDPR on the IT Departments
  • Available tools to be more GDPR compliant

This workshop is for a limited number of people hence ensuring that it is delivered in an interactive way and that participants have a chance to ask questions. The workshop will assist IT professionals in learning how to adapt the company’s IT infrastructure to be GDPR-compliant and be able to implement the necessary policy and procedures.

Who should attend: IT Managers, IT employees and anyone working in the IT field.

Detailed points to be delivered during the workshop

  • Background on GDPR
  • What constitutes personal data
  • The 6 data protection principles – applying them and showing compliance
  • Rights of Data Subjects
  • Legal requirements of a Data Protection Impact Assessment
  • How to conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment
  • Policies and Procedures – putting things in place / updating
  • Dealing with IT and Security
  • Data security Failures
  • Learning from recent local and European experiences
Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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