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GDPR for Marketers

Detailed Information

Date:Wednesday, 6th November 2019
Time:09:00 till 13:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Mr Angelito Sciberras
Price:€65 + VAT
Booking Form

This workshop is for anyone working in marketing, from in-house marketing to individuals working with a marketing agency as well as self-employed marketing professionals.

The GDPR has been and is still a topic which is a headache for many organisations and this comes together with the European Union ePrivacy regulation which, although not yet in force (the aim was for it to come into force together with the GDPR) aims  to broaden the scope of the current ePrivacy Directive and align the various online privacy rules that exist across EU member states. The regulation takes on board all definitions of privacy and data that were introduced within the General Data Protection Regulations, and acts to clarify and enhance it. In particular, the areas of unsolicited marketing, Cookies and Confidentiality are covered in a more specific context.

The aim of the workshop is to cover the following topics:

  • Overview of GDPR
  • The rights of the data subjects
  • The obligations of the data controller
  • The impact of GDPR on marketing
  • Outline on current Maltese law re Privacy including the Processing of Personal Data in Electronic Communications Regulations (SL 440.01) implementing the provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC
  • The effect on marketing with the ePrivacy Regulation once in force
  • GDPR marketing fines and cases since 25th May 2018 – what do we learn from them?
Booking Form
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