The pandemic has brought about the need for changes at the place of work. Changes are not only physical, such as social distancing, but also in Human Resource Management. Changes give rise to training needs, for employees to adapt to the new work practices or even the new markets the company might consider venturing in, as well as improving productivity.
At this time most businesses are also thinking of different strategies how to retain their employees who have, together with the company, gone through these difficult times. Changes in current Human Resource Management practices as well as training are now key.
Changes in Human Resource Management as well as training come at a cost and despite necessary, the last thing businesses need at the moment are additional hefty bills. Jobsplus and Malta Enterprise have schemes in place to heavily subsidise the advisory services needed to to support your changes in Human Resource Management as well as for the training you might wish your attendees to participate in during the coming months.
Advisory 21 and 21 Law have thus joined forces with Jobsplus and Malta Enterprise to bring this free webinar during which speakers will go through the different assistance schemes in place and also those which are still being planned. Jobsplus will focus on the Investing in Skills Scheme and the Access to Employment Scheme as well as the The Youth Guarantee, the Work Exposure Scheme and the Traineeship Scheme. On the other hand Malta Enterprise will give information about the Business Re-engineering Consultancy as well as the Skills Development Scheme.
We will give an overview of the services and training we will be able to support you in through these schemes.
This is one webinar which no individual working in management, particularly those in HR, should miss.