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Managing Sickness & COVID-19 Absence

Detailed Information

Date:24th February, 2021
Time:09:00 till 12:00hrs
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Angelito Sciberras
*Those booking for 3 sessions of the Wednesdays' Workshops even if by
different attendees will receive a €30 discount on each set of 3 bookings.
Booking Form

This is one of the hardest aspects in relation to people management. These situations can get tricky and you need to know which is the best way to handle them. This webinar will also cover issues ranging from constant short term absences to employees with longer term or chronic conditions and absence due to COVID-19 related issues. We will also discuss the common issues dealing with stress and depression and what is the meaning of disability.

This workshop will also cover the following:

  • Steps to manage sickness absence
  • Dealing effectively with short term and long term sickness
  • Quarantine Leave
  • Planning a clear strategy when such issues arise
  • Practical Hands on cases
  • Impact of GDPR/correct use of medical records
  • Avoiding claims

During this webinar we will also deal with the new HR headache…

As the vaccines to prevent COVID-19  are being rolled up still many questions are hanging over us and this is also another headache for any HR professional. Our workforce will have questions and we need to be well equipped to answer these. Furthermore we need to also understand any implications this may have on our workplace and what HR professionals and employers can do to be part of overcoming this unprecedented pandemic.

Booking Form

This webinar is supported by:

Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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