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New Laws Impacting HR

Detailed Information

Date:28 April 2021
Time:09:00 till 12:00hrs
Trainers:Roselyn Borg
*Those booking for 3 sessions of the Wednesdays' Workshops even if by
different attendees will receive a €30 discount on each set of 3 bookings.
Booking Form

Staying updated is crucial for any HR professional or anyone involved in putting into practice laws affecting the workplace. HR legal compliance gives protections to both employees and the employer. Companies are duty bound to work within the framework that governs the workplace. We are all aware that non-compliance may be costly and can also have a direct negative impact on the reputation of the company so knowledge of these laws is a key requirement for any company. It is important that employers and HR professionals monitor legal changes and adapt their policies and procedures accordingly.

The aim of this webinar is to give you an update of new laws and those which are in the pipeline.

  • Amendments to EIRA regarding Definite Period Contracts – do we have full clarity now?
  • The Whistleblowing Directive to be transposed into Maltese law this year – what is already in place? What will change?
  • Right to Disconnect – what to expect and how to deal with this.
  • Work-Life Balance Directive – an overview
  • Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions – an overview.
Booking Form
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