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Understanding the Implications of the new Whistleblowing Act

Detailed Information

Date:16 March 2022
Time:09:00 till 11:00hrs
Trainer:Dr Antonio Depasquale
Dr Emma Grech
Booking Form

The Protection of the Whistleblower Act, CAP 529 of the Laws of Malta, was recently changed with the goal of incorporating the requirements of the EU Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who disclose breaches of union law into our laws. The new changes went into effect on December 24th.

Before these amendments went into force the Act’s requirements only extended to government ministries and major private companies. Now most organisations fall within the purpose of the legislation. Whereas entities with fewer than 50 employees were previously exempted, these now must also comply, particularly those operating in locations where environmental and public health problems may arise.

Companies with a minimum of 50 employees must comply with the requirements of this new law, including the requirement to establish internal reporting channels for the protection of whistle blowers who expose inappropriate working practices.

All private employers subject to the whistleblower Act must develop internal procedures for receiving and handling information concerning unlawful actions occurring inside or by their organization. It is critical that these reporting routes provide the essential protection for the whistleblower’s confidentially.

During this Webinar, participants will be given an overview of this legislation and will outline the obligations of employers as well as processes required for receiving and responding to information about unethical behaviour within or by its organization.

The following and others will be addressed during the webinar;

  • What does the law say?
  • What officers must be appointed and what are the competences required?
  • What channels must be in place to receive reports?
  • What time frames should be in place?
  • What communication is required?
  • What sort of information should be made available to employees?
  • What records need to be kept?

Who should attend?

Employers, Compliance Managers, Human Resource Professionals, Supervisors, Employers’, Employees’ representatives and Whistleblowing Reporting Officers.

Employers can get their money back through
Employers applying for the IIS Scheme will be eligible to receive a subsidy of €25.85 per trainee per hour in the case of training costs.
Booking Form
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