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Employment Benefits: A Win-Win Solution

Detailed Information

Date:13th November, 2019
Time:09:00 till 12:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Antoine P. Portelli
Price:€55 + VAT
CPE hours3.5
*Those booking for 3 sessions of the Wednesdays' Workshops even if by
different attendees will receive a €30 discount on each set of 3 bookings.
Booking Form

Employees and Employers work together for the benefit of the organisation, and the employees’ enrichment. Be it monetary, intellectual, quality of life enhancement, or cultural, employees seek to maximise their takings from any organisation. Likewise, Employers have to thrive to benefit from their investment and use all resources to grow the organisation and post better profits.

Within this scenario, the workshop will touch upon the various employment benefits existent in the Maltese context. It will also analyse the best practices applied by Maltese organisations, and the issues that such benefits create. The legal framework regulating such benefits, and the fiscal impact thereof will also be discussed.

Booking Form

MIA Accreditation

3.5 hours of structured CPE qualifying for the attainment of Core Competencies in terms of the Accountancy Board’s CPE Scheme and Accreditation Rules

This workshop is supported by:

Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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