Professor Tonio Borg graduated in law at the University of Malta . He is a resident senior lecture in public law at the University of Malta, having graduated LL.D. in 1979 and Ph.D in 2018. He is a former European Commissioner ħ, and a former Deputy Prime Mister and Cabinet Minister. Between 1995-1996 and 1998-2012 he was, as Minister, responsible, at different times for Home Affairs, Justice, the Environment and Foreign Affairs
He is currently also a member of the Management Board of the European Medicines Agency. In 2018 he was appointed member of the Steering Committee on Constitutional Reform chaired by the President of Malta. He was made Companion of Order of Merit by the President of Malta in 2018.
2020. Judicial Review of Administrative Action in Malta. First edn. Malta: Kite Group.
2019. Leading Cases in Maltese Constitutional Law. First edn. Malta: Kite Group.
2019. The Notion of Public Authority in judicial review actions under article 469A Chapter 12. Id-Dritt, XXIX.
2017. Juridical Interest in Constitutional Proceedings GHSL Online Law Journal, February 2017. GHSL Law Journal, .
2016. A Commentary on the Constitution of Malta. First edn. Malta: Kite Group.
2009. Malta and India: Striking Similarities in Constitional Experiences. Inservi Hidma Politika. Collection of Essays in honour of Eddie Fenech Adami (PIN_), , pp. 615.
2006. The Dissenting Opinions of Judge Giovanni Bonello at the European Court of Human Rights. Celebratio Amicitiae Essays in honour of Giovanni Bonello (Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti), .