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New Regulations Impacting HR – Webinar

Detailed Information

Date:3 November 2022
Time:09:00 till 10:00hrs
Trainer:Dr Christine Calleja
Booking Form

On the 21 October 2022 two legal notices, 267 and 268 of 2022, were published, both of which have an impact on Human Resources Management.

The first legal notice, Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Regulations, 2022, specifies a longer list of information that must be delivered to employees, building on the list that should have already been provided to them under the Information to Employees Regulations.

On the other hand, Legal Notice 268 contains a new legislative package for workers on digital platforms that would protect their rights in a new developing sector.

During this 60 minute webinar, employment lawyer, Dr Christine Calleja will delve into the details of both Legal Notices and spells out the information that employees, in the European Union who have an employment contract or relationship, must receive from their employer.

She will also explain the new employers’ obligations under LN 268 as well as the regulations within.

Employers can get their money back through
Employers applying for the IIS Scheme will be eligible to receive a subsidy of €25.85 per trainee per hour in the case of training costs.
Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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