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Academy Documents

Please access the Students' Policies & Forms through this link. The following documents are all available in the link - Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct,  Students' Privacy Notice, Deferral, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy, Assignment Extension Policy, Re-Sit Policy, Complaints Procedure Policy, Equality Policy and Student Disciplinary Policy.


Online Sessions' Link

To connect to the online sessions of this study programme please click on this link. You will be asked to register your attendance for each session you join, if you are not already signed in into your Zoom account. You will also be asked for the password which is below.

Meeting ID: 862 8013 9242
Passcode: 807705

Make sure that you show with your name & surname as you have been registered for the study programme. This is very important for attendance purposes.


Lecture Schedule & Notes

Lecture notes will be available during the week following the respective lecture. Schedule dates are indicative and may change. All changes, if any, may be communicated via email, SMS or telephone calls.

LectureDateTimePresentationNotes (If Any)Session Recording
Lecture 0118 October 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 01Request
Lecture 0225 October 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 02Request
Lecture 031 November 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 03Request
Lecture 048 November 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 04Request
Lecture 0515 November 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 05Request
Lecture 0622 November 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 06Request
Lecture 0729 November 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 07EQ Test
Different Tests
EI Tests
Lecture 086 December 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 08Request
Lecture 0915 December 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 09Request
Lecture 1020 December 202317:30 to 20:00hrsPresentation 10Request


Ms Darine Aboulezz

Dr Christine Calleja

Mr Calvin Cassar

Mr George Steve Darmanin

Mr Antoine P. Portelli

Mr Angelito Sciberras


Lecture Summaries & Suggested Reading


Lecture 1 - Basic Bookkeeping - Mr Antoine P. Portelli

Learning Outcomes

The lecture will provide a walkthrough of the financial aspects encountered by Administrators and Office Management officers during their daily work.  It will cover the areas of basic book-keeping; the major concepts of accounting; the standard terminology used in day-to-day accounting work; and the necessary documents required to be able to operate an efficient accounting function.

Additionally, the lecture will also provide practical examples of financial recording systems; management accounting reporting; and the published financial statements of various entities, with special focus on those of limited liability companies as presented to the Malta Business Registry.

Core Reading List

  • Bauerle, J., (2018). Accounting Quickstart Guide. ClydeBank Media LLC.

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 2 - The Basics of Employment Law - Dr Christine Calleja

Learning Outcomes

During this session, we will cover the main rights of employees, such as protection from discrimination; the right to be paid regular wages; the right to be provided with certain information; as well as the main considerations surrounding termination of employment.

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List

  • Emir, A. (2022). Selwyn's law of employment. OXFORD UNIV PRESS.


Lecture 3 - Health & Safety Essentials - Mr George Steve Darmanin

Learning Outcomes

During this session participants will  be able to understand, the basics of occupational health and safety. They will also be exposed to the most relevant Health and Safety legal requirements including the Display Screen Equipment Regulations and will also comprehend the definition of hazards and risks.

The participants will also be able to identify common hazards related to the office environment and successfully manage and control the associated risks.

Core Reading List

  • Principles of Health and Safety at Work - Holt, Allan St. John, and Jim Allen. CRC Press LLC, 2014.


Lecture 4 - Working with and protecting data - Mr Angelito Sciberras

Learning Outcomes

The students will be introduced to to GDPR while being able to comprehend the power of data. They will be able to distinguish between data and personal data and also exposed to definitions in the legislation. Participants will also be exposed to data processing principles, data subjects rights, and lawful processing.

By the end of the session they will be able to understand the principles of data processing, gain more awareness on how to protect the data being processed and to limit the processing to what is necessary. They will also be able to identify whether the company is acting as a Controller or Processor and also explain essential office management and data privacy implications.

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List

  • Borg R., Gonzi P., Sciberras A., (2018) GDPR for HR Professionals


Lecture 5 - Employee Onboarding - Mr Calvin Cassar

Learning Outcomes

In this lecture, students will be given the opportunity to develop an understanding of the key principles tied to recruitment and selection, starting off from understanding company requirements for a role, formulating a job specification and then carrying out sourcing and assessment of candidates. A brief overview of selection methods will be carried out looking into interviews and testing in particular. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to look into the process to be undertaken post-selection leading to the employee to be onboarded in the company, with emphasis being placed on the steps to be undertaken for this to be carried out in a successful way. Reference will be made to tools that can facilitate the process.

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 6 - Office Communication (part 1) - Ms Darine Aboulezz

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what communication is, the roots of miscommunication and its power if used properly.
  • Understand different office tools
  • Organize effective online meetings
  • Identify ways of researching a company before an interview.
  • Understand ways to increase team collaboration
  • Discuss how to dress for an interview.
  • Explain the risk of not speaking up at meetings.
  • Describe how to use notes effectively in a meeting.
  • Recall how to ask questions when a person is speaking.
  • E-mails etiquettes.
  • Tackle difficult conversations
  • Manage Conflict

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 7 - Office Communication (part 2) - Ms Darine Aboulezz

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify the reasons why people don’t speak assertively and its underestimated importance
  • Explain how to ask for a raise at the right time.
  • Discuss the procedures of asking for an appointment with your employer.
  • Recall the common mistakes people make when asking for a raise.
  • Summarize the steps involved in asking for a raise.
  • How to increase our Emotional intelligence

Core Reading List

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 8 - Events Management - Ms Darine Aboulezz

Learning Outcomes

This session, will provide participants with the knowledge to effectively, proactively and innovatively understand the complexities that goes with event planning.

How to implement event management and event planning strategies, provide good customer service, create a credible event plan. What is involved when working with multiple clients and vendors, and how to safeguard the wellbeing of performers and attendees, how to safely process personal data in accordance to data privacy legislation and deliver overall exceptional results.

Core Reading List

  • Event Planning by Judy Ellen
  • Into the heart of meetings: Basic Principles of meeting design by Mike van der Vijver
  • Brains on Fire: Igniting powerful, sustainable, word of mouth movements by Robbin Phillips

Supplementary Reading List


Lecture 9 - Public Speaking and Presentations - Ms Darine Aboulezz

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the steps in the process of planning a speech.
  • Identify the general purpose and specific purpose of a speech.
  • Explain the importance of research in developing your topic.
  • Identify the resources used to gather information effectively.
  • Describe common myths and realities of public speaking.
  • Discuss common obstacles in public speaking.
  • Discuss how to overcome common obstacles in public speaking.
  • The power of visual aids.
  • Do we always need visual aids?
  • How to ace a presentation.
  • The dos and don’ts of public speaking

Core Reading List

  • The art of public speaking by Dale Carnegie
  • The quick and effective way to public speaking by Dale Carnegie
  • Talk like a TEDx by Carmine Gallo

Supplementary Reading List

  • A dialogue to kill the fear of public speaking by Animesh Gupta
  • The skill of self-confidence by Dr Ivan joseph
  • How I overcame my fear of public speaking by Danish Dhamani


Lecture 10 - Time Management - Ms Darine Aboulezz

Learning Outcomes

  • Recall new ways to be more productive every day
  • Explain the importance of selecting the right goals
  • Discuss how by getting to know yourself better, you can amplify your talents and minimize your weaknesses
  • Recall at least 5 time-killing habits
  • Explain how optimism is a critical element to better self and time management
  • Explain why multi-tasking makes you less efficient
  • Discuss the importance of deadlines and how they affect productivity and planning
  • Recognize one of the biggest “time killers” - distractions
  • Explain how time management apps can help you
  • Discuss how the power of focus impacts time management and productivity
  • Recall the daily habits that boost your productivity and save time
  • Explain the importance of surrounding yourself with other productive people who practice good time management skills
  • State why messy desks reduce productivity and cost time
  • Explain the best ways to manage people around you
  • Discuss the importance of avoiding social media at work

Core Reading List

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen Covey
  • The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch
  • Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy
  • The Art of Stress-Free Productivity: David Allen at TEDx

Supplementary Reading List

  • The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss.


Methods of Assessment

There will be one in class group quiz after the 5th lecture on Friday November 17th at 5.30 p.m. Information on how this will be carried out may be obtained from this note. The Quiz will carry 20% of the final score.

For your final assignment, you have to choose 1 out of the 3 questions which has been made available in the Assignment Submission form below. Assignments should be submitted by not later than Thursday 25 January 2024. Assignment has to be submitted together with the Assignment Submission Form. The assignment will carry 80% of the final score.



You have to choose 1 out of the 3 questions which will be made available in the Assignment Submission form below. Assignment should be submitted by not later than Thursday 25 January 2024. The assignment has to be submitted together with the Assignment Submission Form through 21 Academy's plagiarism software Turnitin. Please indicate the questions which you have addressed in the Assignment Submission form and upload assignment in pdf format. Do not scan assignment but convert/save it directly to pdf. We ask you to keep the similarity percentage very low and definitely below 20%. You should  review and rephrase any assignments which show more than 20% similarity. Any assignments submitted above 20% similarity will be manually screened and failed if found to be plagiarised.

Assignment Submission Form

Please read further below in how you are expected to plan, design and submit your assignment and how your assignment will be assessed.

If you need information on how to plan, draft and submit your assignment follow the 21 Academy presentation on Writing and Submitting your Assignment.

We are also making the 21 Academy's Assignments Rubric available for your guidance. This is a performance-based assessment tool. Tutors will use the rubric to assist them to allocate scoring while it allows students to understand what is required in the assignment and how it will be graded.


Referencing Style

Your assignments, presentations and reflective noted should be referenced using the Harvard Referencing style. Please follow this video to understand this referencing style.  Harvard Referencing Style.


Submitting Assignments - Turnitin

The Academy will notify you that assignment questions are available through an email. Through another email sent to you by Turnitin (probably on the same day) you will be notified that you have been added to a "class" where you may upload your assignment/s. Assignments should be submitted by not later than 23:59hrs of the assignment submission deadline shown on the Assignment Submission form and/or the "class".

At 21 Academy you can submit more than one draft of your assignment before the submission final deadline. The last version left uploaded at the submission deadline will be considered to be your final submission paper and will be the one which will be assessed. Make sure that your final submission does not go beyond 20% similarity when including direct quotations (the sentences in-between quotes).

Follow this very short video to understand how to submit your assignment through Turnitin - submitting a paper

To understand the similarity report generated by Turnitin follow this 1 minute video - understanding the similarity report