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GDPR for Accountants – an Update

Detailed Information

Date:Wednesday, 20th November 2019
Time:09:00 till 12:30hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Mr Angelito Sciberras
Price:€65 + VAT
CPE hours3.5
Booking Form

During this session we will explore the implications of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on the accountancy profession. This will include salient topics for accountants and will analyse case studies related to employee personal data as well as client personal data which will help participants become more compliant.

The workshop will also cover GDPR aspects including but not limited to Controller Processor relationships, identifying whether you are acting as a Controller and a Processor, IT security, internal procedures, subject access requests, policies that have to be in place, and raising awareness.

During the workshop we will also go through accountancy and financial related data breach reports in Europe since the introduction of GDPR in March 2018 and will identify the lessons learnt from each case.

Booking Form

MIA Accreditation

3.5 hours of structured CPE qualifying for the attainment of Core Competencies in terms of the Accountancy Board’s CPE Scheme and Accreditation Rules

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