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The Employment Contract: Drafting Woes

Detailed Information

Date:21st October 2020
Time:09:00 till 12:00hrs
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
*Those booking for 3 sessions of the Wednesdays' Workshops even if by
different attendees will receive a €30 discount on each set of 3 bookings.
Booking Form

Whether you’re an HR manager aiming to set everything straight at the on-boarding stage, or an employee aching to know whether what you’re signing up for doesn’t throw you into a whirlpool of trouble, this is the workshop for you.  At ‘The Employment Contract: Drafting Woes’, you will be guided through the main points which most employment contracts cover (or should cover!) and the best way in which you can guarantee effective drafting which safeguards both parties.  This workshop will cover the basics which you’ll find in practically any contract, including:

  • What is generally expected of an employment contract
  • The parties to the contract and their respective negotiating powers
  • Job titles & remuneration
  • Periods of employment & probation
  • Leave entitlements

And it will also delve further into those headache-inducing sections, such as:

  • Non-solicitation & non-competition provisions
  • Confidentiality clauses
  • Termination clauses
  • Amendments & additions

This workshop is largely aimed at legal & HR professionals who regularly encounter these kinds of agreements on the job.  However, this workshop will also serve immensely useful to anyone who would simply like to know more about the way in which an employee – employer relationship should be governed at the outset.

Booking Form
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