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The New Normal – Minimizing Risk at the Workplace

Detailed Information

Date:Wednesday 20th May 2020
Time:10:00 till 11:30hrs - FULL
13:00 till 14:30hrs
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Ms May Schembri
Mr Angelito Sciberras
On Demand

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has driven the global economy into a halt, forcing companies and organisations to reckon the overwhelming power of infectious diseases. Forced lockdowns and home isolation have revealed to us how important our surroundings are for our health and well-being. Coming out of this first wave of infections, the world is going into the NEW NORMAL, which will probably take us into the next 12-18 months, therefore companies need to think on how to Minimize Risks at the Work Place by adopting a framework of mechanisms to combat COVID-19 in their buildings and daily operations. Having such mechanisms in place will directly impact employees’ and customers’ health and satisfaction, resulting in improved business performance offering a cutting edge on other industry competitors.

These mechanisms will have their own legal implications as well as an impact on the employees’ and customers’ privacy.

Have you thought how you will be reorganising your workplace for the new normal? Are your employees prepared? Has the workplace and new procedures been certified as risk free as possible? Have you updated your privacy policies to reflect the new data which you will be processing particularly the special category (sensitive) data?

Article 6(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act (CAP 424 of the Laws of Malta) puts the safety of those at the workplace under the employer’s responsibility.

It shall be the duty of an employer to ensure the health and safety at all times of all persons…

Advisory 21 and 21 Law have joined forces with Prohealth to deliver a free webinar which will be looking to the above and what to look out for while you are preparing your workplace practices and employees for the new normal.

Who should attend?

Directors, CEOs, HR Professionals, Managers, Health and Safety Professionals, Compliance Officers should get an insight on what to look out for while preparing for the new normal and should book a seat for this free webinar which is limited to a maximum of 45 participants.


Dr Roselyn Borg will delve into the legal implications of the new normal while Angelito Sciberras will go through the data privacy implications the new normal will bring about. May Schembri will give an outline of the minimum health practices that should be put in place to make the workplace as risk free as possible.

On Demand
21 academy for AD21 website


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