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GDPR – 3 years on

Detailed Information

Date:25 May 2021
Time:09:30 till 12:30hrs
Speakers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Dr Sarah Cannataci
Dr David Ciliberti
Mr Ian Deguara
Mr Angelito Sciberras
Mr Axel Voss
Price:€95 + VAT
Booking Form

Following the successful organisation of the conference marking the first and second anniversary of the General Data Protection regulation,  21 law and Advisory 21 in collaboration with 21 Academy shall be organising another half day conference to mark the third year of the GDPR coming into force.

Earlier this year Mr Axel Voss, MEP, launched a European Union wide appeal for input on the GDPR by citizens and businesses. Considered as one of the fathers of  GDPR Mr Voss believes that this relatively new legislation is already up to some “surgery”.  We are pleased to announce that during the conference Mr Voss will be delivering a key note speech during which he expected to shed light on the feedback received as well as the expected action to be taken on this EU wide legislation.

For the second year running the conference will be addressed by Dr David Ciliberti representative of the European Commission.

The Maltese Data Protection Commissioner, Ian Deguara, will be answering to questions put forward by Angelito Sciberras as well as those attending the conference.

This Conference will be held online and will look at where we have come to since the advent of the new legislation. An overview of case-law will be given by Dr Roselyn Borg and Dr Sarah Cannataci and key issues will be discussed and delved into.

We will be discussing the latest developments of the GDPR as well as what has been learnt from the first 36 months from Maltese business as-a-whole and the Information and Data Protection Office.

This interactive online conference is designed to assist data protection officers, data protection leads, advocates, IT professionals, human resource professionals and anyone dealing with day-to-day issues of data protection and information security.

Booking Form


09:15 – 09:30 Registration

09.30 – 09.45 Three years in review Dr David Ciliberti, Legal and Policy officer at DG JUST, European Commission

09.45 – 10.30 Case Law review (Local)Dr Roselyn Borg, 21 Law & Dr Sarah Cannataci, Fenech & Fenech Advocates

10.30 – 10.40 Bio Break

10.40 – 10.55 GDPR Post Pandemic, an overhaul? – Mr Axel Voss, Member of the European Parliament

10.55 – 11:45 Case Law review (Foreign) Dr Roselyn Borg, 21 Law & Dr Sarah Cannataci, Fenech & Fenech Advocates

11.45 – 12.30 The Questions you always wanted to ask the IDPCMr Angelito Sciberras, Advisory 21 asks Mr. Ian Dguara Information and Data Protection Commissioner. Participants can also ask their questions to the IDPC and the other speakers.

12:30              End of Conference

Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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