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Greylisting and Human Resources

Detailed Information

Date:7 July 2021
Time:09:00 till 10:00hrs
Speakers:Calvin Cassar
Booking Form

We understand that the decision of the FATF to grey list Malta has been high on everyone’s agenda. We are also fully aware that a number of companies are concerned and this has created uncertainty for employers and employees. It is important that we stay ahead and we stay updated.

The decision of the FATF puts the country (but also HR practitioners) in largely uncharted territory.

  • How will this impact the work of HR practitioners, if at all?
  • Is there a possible impact on recruitment and retention?
  • What will the country’s predicted capacity to meet its people needs be going forward?

During the webinar there will be time for people to contribute by making comments or even ask questions. As always we will make it as interactive as possible.

Booking Form
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