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Posts by admin

Back to Work in the New Normal Policy

22nd May 2020 The current public health emergency has had a significant effect on businesses. Many have been forced to shut down operations, or have seen a significant dip in business for a while. However, with the ongoing easing of measures,…

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Workers’ Day 2020

28th April 2020 Etched into the annals of history, International Workers’ Day has established itself as an annual commemoration of all that has been achieved – and is to be achieved – in the world of work. Originally serving as…

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COVID-19 Workplace Policy

14th March 2020 We have taken up the feedback we received during our COVID-19 workshop held on the 11th March 2020 and we have now drafted a COVID-19 Workplace Policy.  We have already worked and delivered on this for some…

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COVID-19 Data Privacy Implications

10th March 2020 As governments, public authorities as well as businesses are doing their utmost to control the spread and mitigating the effects of COVID-19, personal data and special category data are being processed at length. Although data protection legislation…

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Warning: Protect your WhatsApp Account

4th March, 2020 Recently we have come across Facebook statuses warning friends that a WhatsApp account has been hacked and not to open messages coming from them. We looked further into these claims to see what is actually happening. BE…

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Email Use Policy – Why it is a must have.

6th January, 2020 Email is undoubtedly an important and necessary part of your business. It provides an economical and instant source of communicating with employees, clients and vendors. This powerful tool of communication requires careful management. Otherwise, the same effective…

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