Roselyn Borg Knight, Paul Gonzi and Angelito Sciberras have come together to publish a book on GDPR for HR Professionals. The aim of the book is to help HR professionals comply with the burdensome law. It is written in a concise, transparent, easily accessible and written in plain language.
The book covers:
- the data protection principles
- why employee consent is no longer reliable
- the ways HR can justify processing personal data
- information to be given to employees
- what to do if there are breaches of data security
- the new rules on subject access requests
- the right to be forgotten and the right to rectification
- ten practical steps to comply with the GDPR
The price of the book is €30.00.
The book is also available from:
21 Business Centre Naxxar
Chaucer’s at Baystreet, St. Julian’s
Headlines Books and Stationery at Sky Parks
Trading Post, Gorg Borg Olivier Street, Sliema
Chamber of Advocates Valletta
We hope that we have made life easier for you in terms of this unsexy piece of law!