Academy Documents
Kindly access the Students' Policies & Forms by clicking on the button below. The following documents, among others, can be found there: Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Students' Privacy Notice, Deferral, Suspension, and Cancellation Policy, Assignment Extension Policy, Re-Sit Policy, Complaints Procedure Policy, Equality Policy, and Student Disciplinary Policy.
Online Sessions Link
To join the online sessions for this module, please click on the button below. If you are not already signed in to your Zoom account, you will be prompted to register your attendance. You will also need to enter the password provided below.
Meeting ID: 862 9986 6897
Passcode: 601447
Please ensure that your name and surname appear as registered for the study programme, as this is essential for recording your attendance.
Lecture Schedule & Notes
Lecture notes will be available during the week following the respective lecture. Schedule dates are indicative and may change. All changes, if any, may be communicated via email, SMS or telephone calls.
Lecture | Date | Time | Presentation | Notes (If Any) | Session Recording |
Lecture 01 | 28 February 2025 | 17:30 to 20:00hrs | Presentation 01 | Request | |
Lecture 02 | 5 March 2025 | 17:30 to 20:00hrs | Presentation 02 | Regulation - VBER | Request |
Lecture 03 | 12 March 2025 | 17:30 to 20:00hrs | Presentation 3 | Request | |
Lecture 04 | 26 March 2025 | 17:30 to 20:00hrs | |||
MCQ Session | 4 April 2025 | 17:30 to 18:30hrs |
Lecture Summaries & Suggested Reading
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Competition Law
This lecture aims to provide an overview and comparison of the:
- basic provisions of EU Competition Law specifically articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
- the corresponding articles under the Malta Competition Act and
- the EU Merger Regulation which deals with merger control
Core Reading List
- Jones, A., Sufrin, B. and Dunne, N., 2019. Jones & Sufrin's Eu Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Material.
- Competition Act, Chapter 397 of the Laws of Malta
- Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority Act, Chapter 510 of the Laws of Malta
Supplementary Reading List
- Whish, R. and Bailey, D., 2018. Competition Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Korah, V., 2004. An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law and Practice. Oxford: Hart.
Lecture 2 - Article 101 TFEU
This lecture aims to provide an understanding on Article 101 TFEU which prohibits cartels and other restrictive agreements. The following topics will be covered:
- Article 101 TFEU - General principles
- Horizontal and Vertical agreements
- Distribution Agreements
Core Reading List
- Jones, A., Sufrin, B. and Dunne, N., 2019. Jones & Sufrin's Eu Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Material.
- Competition Act, Chapter 397 of the Laws of Malta
- VBER(Regulation (EU) 2022/720) and new Vertical Guidelines
- Communication from the Commission — Guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 TFEU to horizontal co-operation agreements
Supplementary Reading List
- Whish, R. and Bailey, D., 2018. Competition Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Korah, V., 2004. An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law and Practice. Oxford: Hart
Lecture 3 - Article 102 TFEU
This lecture aims to provide an understanding on Article 102 TFEU which prohibits abusive conduct by dominant firms. The following topics will be covered:
- Article 102 TFEU - General principles
- Market definition and Market Power
- Dominance
- Types of Abuse
Core Reading List
- Jones, A., Sufrin, B. and Dunne, N., 2019. Jones & Sufrin's Eu Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Material.
- Competition Act, Chapter 397 of the Laws of Malta
Supplementary Reading List
- Korah, V., 2004. An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law and Practice. Oxford: Hart.
Lecture 4 - EU Merger Regulation and introduction to Malta merger control
Merger control is the third pillar of EU competition law. At EU level the Commission plays the central role in the control of concentrations. In most jurisdictions, including Malta, merger control is designed as an ex ante control which primarily prevents merging firms from reinforcing or establishing a dominant position that could be harmful to the process of competition. The following topics will be covered in this lecture:
- EU Merger Regulation 139/2004 – Jurisdiction and Substantive Analysis
- The Control of Concentrations Regulations S.L.379.08
- The Concept of a Concentration
- Full function JVs
Core Reading List
- Jones, A., Sufrin, B. and Dunne, N., 2019. Jones & Sufrin's Eu Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Material.
- Competition Act, Chapter 397 of the Laws of Malta
- Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings
- The Control of Concentrations Regulations S.L.379.08
- Commission Consolidated Jurisdictional Notice under Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings
Supplementary Reading List
- Whish, R. and Bailey, D., 2018. Competition Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Korah, V., 2004. An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law and Practice. Oxford: Hart.
Methods of Assessment
There will be one Multiple Choice questionnaire after the last lecture on Friday April 4th, 2025, at 5.30 p.m. Information on how this will be carried out may be obtained by clicking on the button below. The MCQ will carry 20% of the final score.
For your final assignment, you have to choose 1 out of the 3 questions which has been made available in the Assignment Submission form below. Assignments should be submitted by not later than Thursday 8 May 2025. Assignment has to be submitted together with the Assignment Submission Form. The assignment will carry 80% of the final score.
You are required to choose one of the three questions available in the Assignment Submission Form made available by clicking the button below. The assignment must be submitted no later than Thursday 8 May 2025, along with the Assignment Submission Form. Please ensure that you indicate the question you have addressed on the Assignment Submission Form.
For guidance on how to plan, draft, and submit your assignment, please refer to the 21 Academy presentation on Writing and Submitting Your Assignment by clicking the button below.
Writing and Submitting Your Assignment
We are also providing the 21 Academy's Assignments Rubric for your reference. This rubric is a performance-based assessment tool that tutors will use for grading, and it will help you understand the requirements of the assignment and how it will be assessed.
For referencing purposes, please use the OSCOLA Referencing Guide available by clicking the button below.
Submitting Assignment - Turnitin
The Academy will notify you via email when the assignment questions become available. Shortly after, you will receive another email from Turnitin, likely on the same day, confirming your enrolment in a "class" where you can upload your assignment(s).
Please ensure that your assignments are submitted no later than 23:59 on the assignment submission deadline, as indicated on the Assignment Submission form or in the Turnitin "class."
At 21 Academy, you have the option to submit multiple drafts before the final submission deadline. The version uploaded at the deadline will be treated as your final submission for assessment. Please note that Turnitin evaluates the same assignment twice within a 24-hour period, so any additional submissions during this time will not be reviewed until the 24-hour period has passed. Ensure that your final submission does not exceed 20% similarity, particularly when using direct quotations.
Follow this very short video to understand how to submit your assignment through Turnitin
To understand the similarity report generated by Turnitin follow this 1 minute video
Understanding the Similarity Report
Referencing Style
Law students should use the OSCOLA referencing style as it is the standard citation system for legal writing in Malta. It ensures consistency, accuracy, and clarity when referencing legal sources, which is essential for academic and professional work. The video below provides detailed guidance on how to reference using OSCOLA. Please also refer to the OSCOLA Referencing Guide by clicking the button below