Verification of Student Profile
Academy Documents
Online Sessions Link
To connect to the online sessions of this study programme please click on this link . You will be asked to register your attendance if you are not already signed in into your Zoom account. You will also be asked for the password which you may find below.
Meeting ID: 999 3507 1374
Passcode: 542766
Link for session 7 and 8 and additional 1-hour revision session being delivered on
Meeting ID: 964 1843 9469
Passcode: 960386
Lecture Presentations
Civil Law Presentation - 2022 Presentation Civil
Kodiċi Ta' Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili
Past Papers
30th January 2003 - 2003.01.30 Warrant-Exam
27th February 2003 - 2003.02.27 Warrant-Exam
4th April 2003 - 2003.04.04 Warrant-Exam
5th March 2004 - 2004.03.05 Warrant-Exam
27th July 2004 - 2004.07.27 Warrant-Exam
29th December 2004 - 2004.12.29 Warrant-Exam
6th September 2005 - 2005.09.06 Warrant-Exam
28th December 2005 - 2005.12.28 Warrant-Exam
12th April 2006 - 2006.04.12 Warrant-Exam
26th July 2006 - 2006.07.26 Warrant-Exam
27th December 2006 - 2006.12.27 Warrant-Exam
4th April 2007 - 2007.04.04 Warrant-Exam
25th July 2007 - 2007.07.25 Warrant-Exam
28th December 2007 - 2007.12.28 Warrant-Exam
17th March 2008 - 2008.03.17 Warrant-Exam
28th July 2008 - 2008.07.28 Warrant-Exam
29th December 2008 -2008.12.29 Warrant-Exam
15th April 2009 - 2009.04.15 Warrant-Exam
31st July 2009 - 2009.07.31 Warrant-Exam
30th December 2009 - 2009.12.30 Warrant-Exam
7th April 2010 - 2010.04.07 Warrant-Exam
30th July 2010 - 2010.07.30 Warrant-Exam
29th December 2010 - 2010.12.29 Warrant-Exam
27th April 2011 - 2011.04.27 Warrant-Exam
28th December 2011 - 2011.12.28 Warrant-Exam
27th April 2012 - 2012.04.27 Warrant-Exam
30th July 2012 - 2012.07.30 Warrant-Exam
21st April 2014 - 2014.04.21 Warrant-Exam
30th July 2014 - 2014.07.30 Warrant-Exam
15th January 2015 - 2015.01.15 Warrant-Exam
30th July 2015 - 2015.07.30 Warrant-Exam
14th January 2016 - 2016.01.14 Warrant-Exam
28th December 2016 - 2016.12.28 Warrant-Exam
27th July 2017 - 2017.07.27 Warrant-Exam
4th January 2018 - 2018.01.04 Warrant-Exam
7th January 2019 - 2019.01.07 Warrant-Exam
19th July 2019 - 2019.07.19 Warrant-Exam
6th January 2020 - 2020.01.06 Warrant-Exam
10th July 2020 - 2020.07.10 Warrant-Exam
27th February 2021 - 2021.02.27 Warrant-Exam
28th July 2021 - 2021.07.21 Warrant-Exam
Templates (Civil)
Rikors Guramentat Separazzjoni Familja
Rikors Kostituzzjonali Art.12 Kap 158
Rikors Permess Appell minn Digriet
Rikors re Apertura tas-Successjoni
Risposta Appell u Appell Incidentali
Risposta Guramentata Kontro Talba
Risposta Guramentata u Kontro Talba Familja