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Employees’ Training – Why?

9 September 2021 Practicality is the main reason behind employee training. While it is common and customary to train employees for the sake of practicality and efficiency, there are many other benefits which may be reaped from investing in adequate…

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Whistleblowing – are you ready?

18 May 2021 In 2013 Malta promulgated the Protection of the Whistle-blower Act. However, what we knew back then is about to change as now more companies will need to comply with the EU Whistle-blower Protection Directive by December 2021, by which…

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Where are we 3 years after?

17 May 2021 During 2020, the total fines imposed on different infringements throughout the EU member states, as well as the UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein was of €272.5 million. This was reported in the DLA Piper GDPR fines and…

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New HR Headaches – are you aware?

11th November 2020 As if the impact of COVID-19 on Human Resources Management during the last months was not enough (to which we have at least growing accustomed by now) employers are currently reeling from novel provisions contained in new…

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