GDPR has been around for over a year and a half now. Since our very successful sessions on GDPR for Local Councils we have learnt new things particularly from hands on experiences. New procedures have been set in place which have had an impact on the way data is being processed.
Were you aware that a mayor in Belgium was fined €2,000 for the misuse of personal data by a mayor for campaign purposes? Why was the Bergen Municipality fined €170,000?
During this 3.5 hour workshop we will go through data breach reports both locally and throughout Europe since the introduction of GDPR in March 2018 and we will identify the lessons learnt from each case. Most of the cases we will visit will be about local authorities in other countries.
We will also go through the new guidelines adopted by the European Data Protection Board on the 10th July 2019 on processing of personal data through video devices and assess their impact on the way Local Councils process data captured through CCTV.
Participants to this workshop should have attended our GDPR for Local Council sessions or have a good grasp of GDPR.