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Restructuring & Downsizing your workforce – The Legal Implications

Detailed Information

Date:31st January, 2020
Time:09:00 till 13:00hrs
Venue:21 Business Centre, Naxxar
Trainers:Dr Roselyn Borg
Price:€75 + VAT
Booking Form

Understand the employment law challenges an organisation faces when going through a restructuring process or making employees redundant. What will this workshop cover?

Managing Restructuring and Making Redundancies

  • What may/may not be done
  • The fundamental principles of the law
  • Employee representative/s – the process of appointing them and their role
  • Duty to inform and consult
  • Who gets to stay and how gets to go
  • Collective Redundancies
  • Voluntary and Early Retirement Schemes
  • Avoiding Unfair Dismissal Claim
  • Outplacement Services

This workshop is recommended for all HR practitioners with responsibility for employment law issues within their organisation. It is also recommended for lawyers, in-house or in private practice who may need to advise clients on such issues.

Booking Form
21 academy for AD21 website


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